Coface Share
COFACE SA is a société anonyme with a Board of Directors (Conseil d’administration) incorporated in France.
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Coface Share and Ratings information at a glance
Analysts Consensus
Online services for customers and brokers
- Coface Business Information
Business Information
Access the business insights you need to manage credit risks across your entire business-partner portfolio and make strategic decisions with confidence.
- Customer Portal - Cofanet
Customer Portal - CofaNet
Coface online platform for managing your trade receivables. Full monitoring of your risks. Direct access to all tools according to your contracts.
- Broker Portal
Broker Portal
Platform dedicated to brokers for monitoring your business and managing your customer portfolio (in all countries where legally available).
Innovative and digital solutions
- Coface API Portal
Coface API Portal
Stop juggling between software applications. Explore Coface API Catalogue and Integrated Solutions for Business Information by Coface and trade credit insurance.