Financial results and reports

Latest financial reporting information of Coface group: annual & interim reports, consolidated accounts, management statements, registration document, etc.

Financial reporting

Q1 6 MayH1 5 August9M 5 NovemberFY FY
Press releases_
Analysts presentation_
Financial statements_
Financial supplement, quarterly series_
Interim Financial Report___
Communication setting out the arrangements for the supplying of the Interim Financial Report___
Power the Core - Vision 2027 - Strategic plan presentation___
Power the Core - Vision 2027 - Press Release___
Capital Market Day - "Power the Core" - 5 March 2024___
Q1 25 May 2023H1 10 August 20239M 14 november 2023FY 27 february 2024
Press release
Analysts presentation
Financial statements
Financial supplement, quarterly series
Interim financial report___
Communication setting out the arrangements for the supplying of the Interim Financial Report___
Universal Registration Document___
Q1 28 april 2022H1 28 july 20229M 27 october 2022FY 16 february 2023
Press releases
Analysts presentation
Interim financial report____
Financial statements
Communication setting out the arrangements for the supplying of the Interim Financial___
Financial supplement, quarterly series
Loss Triangle___
2022 pro forma accounts- IFRS17 Application___
Universal Registration Document___
Solvency report___
Q1 27 april 2021H1 28 july 20219M 28 october 2021FY 15 february 2022
Financial statements
Press releases
Analysts presentation
Financial supplement, quarterly series
Interim financial report___
Communication setting out the arrangements for the supplying of the Interim Financial___
Solvency report___
Universal Registration Document___
Q1 23 april 2020H1 29 july 20209M 26 october 2020FY 10 february 2021
Financial statements
Press releases
Analysts presentation
Interim financial report___
Communication setting out the arrangements for the supplying of the Interim Financial report___
Financial supplement, quarterly series
Investor Day___
Solvency report___
Universal Registration Document___
Q1 24 april 2019H1 25 july 20199M 23 october 2019FY 05 february 2020
Financial statements
Press releases
Analysts presentation
Financial supplement, quarterly series
Interim financial report___
Communication setting out the arrangements for the supplying of the Interim Financial report___
Universal Registration Document___
Solvency report___
Q1 24 april 2018H1 25 july 20189M 24 october 2018FY 11 february 2019
Press releases
Financial statements
Analysts presentation
Financial supplement, quarterly series
Interim financial report___
Communication setting out the arrangements for the supplying of the Interim Financial report___
Registration Document___
Solvency report___
Q1 26 april 2017H1 28 july 20179M 25 october 2017FY 12 february 2018
Financial statements
Press releases
Analysts presentation
Financial supplement, quarterly series_
State guarantees transfer - transcript___
State guarantees transfer - Press release___
State guarantees transfer - Presentation analysts___
Interim financial report___
Guidance - Transcript___
Guidance - Press release___
Solvency report___
Reference Document___
CSR Report___
Q1 04 May 2016H1 27 july 20169M 03 nov. 2016FY 08 feb. 2017
Press releases
Investor Day - 22 september___
Activity report___
Registration Document___
Solvency report___
Analysts presentation
Financial statements
Q1 05 may 2015H1 29 july 20159M 2 november 2015FY 9 february 2016
Analysts presentation
Registration Document___
Press releases
Financial statements
Q1 -H1 29 july 20149M 29 october 2014FY 17 february 2015
Press releases_
Financial statements_
Analysts presentation_
Registration document, prospectus, securities note___

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