On the 31 october at 14:00 in the 2020 Event Space (the Small National Palace of Culture) in Sofia, Coface Bulgaria will host the 9th Coface Country Risk Conference.
As there is more and more talk about exiting the recession after the significant global events in the field of healthcare and geopolitics and the gradual recovery of the business climate, we at Coface Bulgaria decided to dedicate our Coface Country Risk Conference to the topic "The Risks of Optimism".
Are we really seeing an economic recovery in Bulgaria? What signals does the business give for this? ... And perhaps most importantly - which risks does this optimism hide?
In addition to a business point of view, we will also have the pleasure to immerse ourselves in the views on risk in our daily lives and its management of our exclusive guest speaker, Stefan Ivanov - Managing Partner of Challenger Capital Management, a long-time and experienced banker, adventurer and co-author of the book "NEWREST".
We will discuss the answers to these and many other questions together with some of the key economic and business experts in the country in 2024.
Join us !

*Subject to additional corrections!
13:30-14:00 - Registration;
14:00-14:10 – Opening and greetings;
- Plamen Dimitrov - Manager of Coface Bulgaria;
- Emmanuel Bolestro - Economic Press Attaché of the Embassy of France in Bulgaria;
14:10-14:40 – Coface: Panorama of Country Risks:
- Gregorz Silewicz, Coface Chief Economist for Central and Eastern Europe;
14:40-15:00 – Coface: panorama of sectoral risks
- Plamen Dimitrov - Manager of Coface Bulgaria;
15:00-15:20 – Coffee break;
15:20-16:00 – "The Risks of Optimism"
- Stefan Ivanov - Managing Partner of "Challenger Capital Management", top banker and co-author of the book "NEWREST";
16:00-17:00 – Discussion panel: The future of business after crisis times:
- Levon Hampartzoumian - Banker, Chairman of the Management Board of the Association of Banks in Bulgaria (ABB);
- Irena Tsakova - Assist. Executive Director of Dundee Precious Metals Krumovgrad EAD;
- Ass. Dr. Shteryo Nozharov – Lecturer in Economics, Economic Advisor to the Bulgarian Industrial Association;
- Anna Tsolova - journalist, public speaking mentor;
- The recovery is there, but so what?
- How justified are the ambitions and are they sustainable growth or flashes?
- There are an awful lot of unknowns. At the same time, the risks remain.
17:00-18:30 – Cocktail & Networking